Build a Great Company
by Choosing Great Company
Attract and maintain teams of professional friends who share your passion for the mission your enterprise exists to achieve.
Why is Dustin in a wheelchair? Poor choice of company.
Why is he successful and happy today? Great choice of company.
It takes great company to create a great company.
Invite the guy in the transformer chair to transform your team by delivering the keynote address at your next convention. Dustin inspires your company to establish a DNA-deep commitment to finding and keeping, professional friends who share your passion for the mission your enterprise exists to achieve.
Do you struggle with absenteeism? Disloyalty? Theft? Excessive employee turnover? Or do you have a dedicated executive team of loyal business friends who don’t jump ship every time an apparently better deal comes along?
Our companies are formed, quite literally, from the company we keep. Allow bad company into your company and you get stuck with a bad company. Bring good company into your company and you develop a good company. Seek out great company and you create a great company that makes a great difference in our world.
Is it really that simple? Yes, it is.
Is your most valuable resource your money – or your property? Neither. Your most valuable resource is your people. Money and property just sit there in a pile until people do something with them. People operate and maintain your equipment, real estate and buildings. People manage your money. People solve your problems and discover or create new opportunities.
Don’t waste your time and effort recruiting good people – take the time and make the effort to attract great people. Don’t settle for good company – insist on hiring great company. When you bring together great people, everyone contributes to and applauds each others’ success, the highest performance standards are sustained and profits escalate. Your great company of great friends achieves your mission and you make a great difference in the world.
Do I sound idealistic? Altruistic? Grandiose? Impractical? Read Jim Collins’ book, Good to Great, then decide. In his closing paragraph, he says:
“When all these pieces come together, not only does your work move toward greatness,but so does your life. For in the end, it is impossible to have a great life unless it is a meaningful life. And it is very difficult to have a meaningful life without meaningful work. Perhaps, then, you might gain that rare tranquility that comes from knowing that you’ve had a hand in creating something of intrinsic excellence that makes a contribution. Indeed, you might even gain that deepest of all satisfactions knowing that your short time here on this earth has been well spent, and that it mattered.”
In that landmark, best selling book, and in it’s insightful predecessor, Built to Last, Jim Collins made it clear that our key to transforming our good company into a great company and building it to last, is the people we choose to keep company with.
Jim Collins is exactly right. Get the wrong people off the bus and the right people on the bus, and let them drive. You will have a great journey with a happy, success driven, loyal, team.
If you like Jim Collins you will love Dustin Godnick. His core message is that one sure way to guarantee that our enterprises rise to greatness – and maintain that lofty position – is that we transform good teams of competent, effective employees into a great company of mission-focused, devoted professional friends.
As we said, invite the guy in the transformer chair to transform your team by delivering the keynote address at your next convention. Dustin inspires your company to establish a DNA-deep commitment to finding and keeping, professional friends who share your passion for the mission your enterprise exists to achieve.
Call us now: 801-548-8109